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a documentation of family, friendships, and all the sweet treats in between. ♥

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Baby crazy!

I've been making these little baby onesies for Cristina's little bean.
I just wanted to share a few of them. My baking has been on a bit of a standstill and has been replaced with a new obsession of baby clothes-making!

For Christmas I made Cristina some pillows with this rose pattern on it,
which ended up being my inspiration for this one

and one with a little chiffon tutu!
I love this one, I ended up added two more layers of tutu to make it poof out a bit more,
but I'm thinking I'm going to make another with just the single layer.


  1. im OBSESSED with these onesies! they are seriously so beautiful. i cant wait to put them on baby bella!!

  2. SOOOOO CUTE! I think that's what I want to do ALL summer :-)
